Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Here's a sampling of our pictures from our first Christmas in Africa:
Jake with a new game!
A Lego helicopter and ambulance!
His first bike!
Lindiwe, a baby from the children's home we volunteer at, modeling her new outfit and shoes that she received while celebrating Christmas with us!
More later....
Jeremy, Tricia and Jake
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
It's Not Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...
For the last few weeks we have enjoyed the company of Jeremy’s friends Nate and Roy (from high school). It was a lot of fun to have them here. It feels like we aren’t so far from home when we have visitors from the States. Jake really had a hard time seeing them go and asked if they could come back to stay with us again. His “uncles” spoiled him rotten while they were here. But with Christmas right around the corner we were able to get him to stop being so sad that they were gone and to focus on Christmas.
Sometimes, we think Jake understands the meaning of Christmas, but then he surprises us by adding his own twists to the story. He says things like, “God sent his Son, Jesus, to the earth so that He could love us, and then after that he had a Christmas party and ate fruitcake”. And then there was the other night, when Jake said, “But I don’t want Jesus to take my sins away, I want to keep them.” Obviously, we still have some work to do…
We wanted to thank all of you who have sent us card or packages. It is really hard to explain how much it means to us to know that we aren’t forgotten. Plus, getting fat on all of the goodies makes it easier to come up with a New Year’s resolution! :) But really, thank you so much, all of you. We hope all of our blog readers have a very merry Christmas and may God bless you!
December 2006: “I want to be a pee-wee golf player when I get bigger.”
Monday, December 11, 2006
Jake's "Uncles" are Here!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Just a Bunch of Turkeys
We are constantly amazed that God would ever call a bunch of turkeys like us to be missionaries. And as we have reflected back on this year in a spirit of thankfulness this past week, we realize just how small we all are compared to Him. We are living testaments to the fact that he can take ordinary people and give them the ability to do something for Him.
We have so much to be thankful for, even though sometimes we might lose sight of that during the tougher times of being missionaries. Too often we find ourselves saying, "Why me, God?!" instead of "Thank you, God." It's cliche, but only because it's true, that God has been faithful. He is the one constant when the storms of life seem to have waves crashing down upon us. Even though those waves hit us and we might feel like we are going under, he has always pulled us through at the exact minute that we needed it.
So, as you can probably tell, this week was a "learning" week for us. During the week of the year set aside for thankfulness, we found ourselves feeling like everything that could go wrong was going wrong. First, we took our car back to the shop, as it has not been running correctly since the last breakdown. After some tests, the shop came back saying that we need to have some pistons replaced, which will cost approximately $2,700. Yikes. Then, the following day, Jake started to get these little red bumps all over him... yep, chicken pox. Those two things, combined with other small annoyances, started to make us question God a bit. Why would he bring us all this way to have all these "issues" in our first year?
However, reflecting on everything that God has done for us in getting us ready to go and then here in South Africa, we realize that those things that are crises at the moment seem to pale in comparison with the wonders he has worked in our lives during the last year and a half. So many things falling into place, so many doors opening, etc. It has just been undeniable that he has been at work. Plus, in the grand scheme of things, which is what God directs, our problems are minimal. Sure, a sick kid is no fun, but in two weeks time, chicken pox will be a distant memory. Sure, we don't have $2,700, but our car is still driveable for the time being and we know that God working out the details of us getting here makes this problem seem small. We are truly blessed to have a God like this on our side, and our insignificant contribution is to try to help Africa get to know this God. A small price to pay for what he has done.
Jake's Quote of the Week
“Hey Mom, sharp things are very sharp, eh?”
(See, that preschool is paying off already!)
Praises & Prayer Requests
Well, this section seems kind of irrelevant, considering the rest of the post, but for those of you who prefer lists to prose:
-- Jake's health as he battles chicken pox
-- That God would lead us in the right direction on what to do with this car, and how to pay for it.
Thank you for your prayers!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving (next week) !!!
We're not sure if we will have another post before Thanksgiving or not, so we thought we'd go ahead and say Happy Thanksgiving to all of you back at home! We are going to spend our first Thanksgiving in our lives working! Then after work, some of our missionary friends are having us over for a Thanksgiving dinner, which will be nice.
Life has been good here... uneventful for the most part, but good. Jeremy just completed a big project at work this week, one of those that really makes you feel like "this is the reason I am here". Tricia is still making good progress on her programs, and more and more applications for missionary service are coming in from all over Africa on a daily basis.
Jake is growing up so fast that it's scary sometimes. He has really been working on his letters and can identify every letter of the alphabet and spell his name verbally. We are now working on writing his name as well as writing the alphabet. He is doing a great job and learning very quickly.
As the holidays approach, we have had several questions about how to send packages, so we thought we would answer the question on here. The best way to send packages is by the Post Office, using their Global Priority service. they have letter-sized envelopes that you can put anything in, and then we think you can also send large padded envelopes and packages this way. We have received the letter envelopes and the padded envelopes very quickly... boxes seem to take much more time. So when you send whatever it is you send, here is the address:
Jeremy Johnson
Church of the Nazarene
PO Box 44
Florida 1710
Republic of South Africa
Alternatively, because postage is SO expensive and can take a lot of time, you may send money to Nazarene Headquarters in Kansas City at the following address:
Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
6401 The Paseo
Kansas City, MO 64133
Make the checks payable to General Treasurer with the notes field of your check saying, "Jeremy Johnson Family Christmas". You might also want to include a short note with an explanation that we are missionaries and this is Christmas money, just to be sure.
In any case, we are humbled and thankful even for the thoughts that you or your churches would be sending us something at Christmas time. It feels very nice just to know that we are on people's minds and they are praying for us, as well as caring enough to send gifts. "Thank you" just doesn't seem to express our feelings of gratitude. May God bless you.
Jake's Quote of the Week
“I may never march in the infurry, ride to the Calvary, shoot the Camry, I may never fly into January, but I am the Lord of me, yes Sir!”
Praises & Prayer Requests
Thank you for all of the cards, encouraging e-mails, and packages that we have received recently. We praise God that we have such a great support network of people back home that can makes us feel so loved and appreciated!
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- Jake has had a bit of an allergy flare-up this last week, the first since his tubes were put in. Please pray for his health
-- For strength to make it through our first holiday season away from family and friends. It won't be the same, but we know that we are part of a bigger family that we will be celebrating with here.
-- Unspoken request
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Thursday, November 09, 2006
We Don't Have a Good Excuse...
... so we won't try to come up with a bad one. Busy times, internet down for almost a week, you know the story. But anyway, we are back now and ready with an update:
Since we last posted, some cool things have happened. One of those things is that one of Jeremy's friends is coming out next month for a couple of weeks, which should be a fun time. We haven't had any "just for fun" visitors since April, so that will be a welcome diversion. Also, our fellow missionary friend, David Webb from Guatemala / Costa Rica will be coming to an event in Africa in January. We went through our training in KC with the Webbs last year, so we are very excited to at least get to see David again!
As far as what we've been up to these past couple of weeks, Jeremy found out this week that he will have the opportunity this coming April to add another facet to his ministry in that he has been offered a teaching role at Nazarene Theological College here in Joburg. Pending his boss's approval, he will be teaching a two-week intensive course called "Administration and Accounts". He is really excited for the opportunity, as he has always wanted to teach at the college level. Looks like that master's degree is paying off in more ways than one!
Tricia has been working for the past couple of weeks on planning a program that resembles Work & Witness in the United States. This one, however, will be Africans traveling to other places in Africa to get involved in short-term missions. Few people realize how many career missionaries felt or confirmed their call on a short-term missions trip. Thus, this program will help Africa, yet it will fit in nicely with Tricia's 3D program. Also, in other Tricia news, she has gone to an allergist, who put her on a strict diet in order to see if any of the foods she is eating are causing her severe allergies. She is limited to chicken, grass and tree bark for her foods. Only kidding, but it is a very strict diet that she has to suffer through until December 1st, when they can start slowly adding foods back in. Hopefully this will help!
Jake is still Jake. These past few weeks, we have accumulated a collection of quotes that will probably keep us until mid 2007. There have been many times lately where Mommy and Daddy have had to hide their faces or bite their tongues (literally!) in order not to embarrass Jake. Man, who knows what this kid will say next?! Not us. :) Other than spouting wisdom, Jake has been keeping to his routine of school, gymnastics and mischief quite well!
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Dear Jesus, I love you very much and I want you to jump in my heart and make some sense..."
(Well, this is not exactly the "Roman Road", but I think God knows what Jake means.)
Praises & Prayer Requests
We praise God that he has brought us safely and successfully through our first 10 months on the mission field. We are just now starting to feel like we are getting the hang of things and that things in our ministries are starting to pick up steam. We praise God that he is big enough to made us succeed where we never knew we could!
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- That the source(s) of Tricia's allergies would be discovered so that we can deal with them better.
-- That we would continue to make progress in our ministries
-- That God would begin preparing Jeremy to teach the class at NTC next year
-- For safe travels for our friends coming to visit
-- For the Garey Miller family, former Kokomo First Church pastor and current Iowa District Superintendent
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Is This Thing Working?
I'll bet that's what some of you thought as we have strayed a bit from our weekly updates.
Looks like we're at about a week and a half on this one, so I suppose it's time to give another update.
We received a huge blessing this week when a family friend informed us that they were making a very generous donation toward the repairs on our car! Thanks to those who were praying with us through these past few days and a very special thanks to our friend! God always has it under control, even when we feel like the ride is getting a little too bumpy for our comfort, doesn't he?
This weekend we also took Jake to the Ushaka Aquarium, which is where these pictures are from. He had a blast and we ended up definitely getting our money's worth, as we went through it four times that day! Funny little story from the outing:
Jake and Daddy were looking at the jellyfish when a worker that Jake had spoken to earlier walked up for another round of the talkative little American. She asks him if he likes the jellyfish and he replies that he does, and that sea turtles eat jellyfish, but they don't eat trash, because that makes them sick (Jake learned this while playing the Tuga the Sea Turtle game on www.nickjr.com). The lady's eyes got big and she sort of laughed, called him a "clever boy" and then walked away.
About 15 minutes later, we went to the sea turtle tank to watch the feeding, and who was the narrator, but Jake's new friend. While she was giving her little sea turtle speech as the diver was feeding the turtles, she explained that one of a sea turtle's most common foods is jellyfish. Of course, she also explained to the kids the importance of not littering, as sea turtles often mistake discarded plastic bags for jellyfish, then eat them and get very sick from it. While she was giving this part of her speech, she looked at Jake with a huge smile and winked a him. Our little genius... :)
Well, what other detail about our week could really top those two? Probably nothing, so I'd better end it on a high note!
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Dear Jesus, thank you for Daddy, because he is my son..."
Praises and Prayer Requests
Well, in addition to the answer to prayer of the donation we received, we also are happy to report another healthy week! In fact, it has been quite some time since Jake has been sick now. Tricia's allergies are also getting better since the weather is warming up and we are getting more rain. We are thinking that it is the cool and extremely dry winters that are going to be getting to her over the years that we are here.
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- Our continued adjustment to missionary life
-- Unspoken request
-- The 3D program that Tricia is working on, that it would meet the needs of Africans who are called to missions and be useful in preparing them to follow that call
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Spring is here...
Well, thunderstorm season has started this week, so it's the time of year that we run to unplug everything at the first rumble of thunder. Johannesburg, due to the altitude and the high metal content in the soil (this was a mining town), has the second worst lightning in the world. I think St. Petersburg, Russia is the first, but I'm not sure. Anyway, you can impress your friends with that little fact about Jo'burg.
We haven't had too much action this week, which is nice, because we were very busy there for a while. It's definitely good to have a week where you can catch your breath every once in a while.
Of course, this week we have been holding our breath more than anything. Our car has been into the shop five times in the last two weeks since a radiator hose busted and our car overheated. The hose was fixed the following day, but the car has been "weird" ever since. So finally, on the fifth time into the shop, they located the problem: our car has a warped cylinder head from overheating. So... that's expensive. We find out on Friday just how expensive, but that is not a bill we are looking forward to getting (as if there was a bill that we were looking forward to). Pray for us, please, as we need to make funds stretch for 2+ more years and this will probably put a big dent in that plan. We know that God will provide, though.
So goodnight from rainy Johannesburg....
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Ask Mommy if she can sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' to me, because if she doesn't, she is not obeying God."
(We're just happy that our three-year-old is already so in tune with God's will!)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We praise God for RAIN!!! Tricia and Jake's allergies wer much better in the rainy season at the beginning of the year, and we are hoping that the return of the rain will bring some relief for them this time as well.
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- God's provision in the situation with our car
-- Good health for the whole family
-- God's direction in our lives and ministries
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A Special Visitor
This week, we got to meet someone from our home church (KC First Spanish Church), Dr. Erika Rios! We had never actually met her until she showed up at our door this past week because she started going to Spanish Church after we had already left for Joburg. But it was great to get to meet her, even if she has been so busy that she hasn't been around much. We are so happy to have her staying with us and she makes us feel like a little piece of home has come to us!
Well, Erika didn't just come to visit, she came to be a part of some NCM activities as part of the Church of the Nazarene's global AIDS ministries (thus the "busy" part). She also came bearing gifts from our church! We got all kinds of cool things, but as you can see in the picture, Jake's favorite part was the Fruit by the Foot, which are like long, skinny Fruit Rollups. He thought that was the greatest thing in the world and will probably have them all gone in the next week. :)
Also, this past Sunday we celebrated Tricia's birthday, which was a lot of fun as well. Jake really enjoyed going shopping with Daddy at the mall (yes, there are malls in Africa!) for Mommy's birthday. Jake bought Mommy a CD and Daddy bought her a book, and then we took her to both lunch and dinner that day. A good time was had by all!
This Thursday marks 9 months that we have been here in Africa, which means that our internship is 25% of the way over! Just a little over two years and we will be back interviewing with the General Board. Wow.
Speaking of how time flies... several people have asked us about sending Christmas packages. Basically, if you want to have something arrive before Christmas, we are told that it needs to be sent in the early part of November. We've heard of things sent around Thanksgiving time that didn't arrive until February. So hopefully that answers some questions.
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Hi Dad, I just need a drink of some hot coffee."
(Jake said this after Jeremy woke him from a sound sleep in order to take him potty.)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We praise God this week for another year of life for Tricia and also for our loving church family back in KC. Les queremos y les extranamos mucho! We also enjoyed a week of good health for the entire family, which is seemingly rare lately!
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- Safe travels for Dr. Erika Rios and the rest of the NCM visitors as they return home this week.
-- Unspoken request
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Monday, September 25, 2006
The Performance of a Lifetime
Okay, so it's the only performance of his lifetime, so far, but Jake's concert this past Friday night was definitely something to remember. His nursery school had a big production (around 150 people in attendance) and Jake's age group sang three songs. The picture is of Jake with his friends Craig and Ethan, enjoying their post-concert treats.
Now being the good Nazarene he is, Jake chose not to do any of the dance movements, even when reminded by his teacher... you know Methodist nursery school. But the video tape shows that he did sing the songs... and swat at the moths... and pick his nose. I think every kid has to do that in at least one concert in their lives, right?
We had a great time watching him in his first performance, and also enjoyed the company of fellow missionaries David and Patti Cramer, who couldn't resist coming out for such a big event. They definitely got their money's worth. :) Not many of the pictures turned out due to the lighting, but the video tape turned out okay, except for Daddy demonstrating why people choose to buy tripods. Any of you are welcome to come over and watch the video any time!
Jake's Quote of the Week
"No mommy, you can't put cookies on the table. Did your mommy say you could do that?"
(Mommy put a cookie directly on the table, not on a plate or napkin. This deeply offended Jake, and he let her know.)
Praises and Prayer Requests
Jake has a follow-up appointment for a hearing test tomorrow, just a little over a month after his surgery. Although we don't notice a dramatic difference in his responses to us, we are praying that the test shows that his hearing is returning to normal. Please pray that these tests go well tomorrow, and if not, that God could heal Jake's hearing.
Please also remember the following in prayer this week:
-- We have been having a lot of car trouble recently, our car is going into the shop tomorrow for the third time in the last week. Please pray that the mechanic would solve the problem this time and that we can escape with our bank account in tact.
-- Jake was diagnosed with tonsilitis last week (although we're wondering if it was strep throat). He is better now, but the doctor has said that if he has a flare-up again, that we should consider having his tonsils removed. Please pray that God could heal Jake and give him a bit of a break from these health issues.
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Monday, September 18, 2006
Hoppin' Into Spring!
Yep, that was a short winter. It was pretty much just June - August, and now it's starting to warm up again. This past week was all in the 70's, and it is sunny about 95% of the time here. The weather is never bad in Joburg, it's just that the nights can sometimes get a little cold with no central heat in the houses.
Anyway, the weather turning for the warmer has been the highlight of an otherwise blah week. Yes, sickness has struck the Johnson household again, and Jake was very sick on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but is feeling a bit better today. Hopefully he will be back to normal so that he can get back to school tomorrow. He has a big concert coming up on Friday that we don't want to miss!
Well, the picture you see there is the other reason that Jake wants to make sure he is well for next week… he gets to start gymnastics classes! The guy in the picture is his teacher, Max. Jake loved his free introductory lesson and can’t wait to go back to the “circus” as he calls it. We hope to have a full report for you next time.
In other news, we had a great experience today in our first live interview with one of our LINKS churches (Fort Osage). Pastor Will Silva (who we knew in KC) called us and was able to put the call over his church’s sound system so that we could interact with the church. It was great! Jake even got in on the fun and sang them a song. If anybody else wants to try something like this, we are open to it!
Jake’s Quote of the Week
“Mommy, I want to go outside in just my toes.”
(Kids here play outside in bare feet A LOT. Jake is now getting in on the fun.)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We’re thankful for spring and for a bit warmer nights. We’re thankful that Jake seems to be recovering nicely from the flu. We’re thankful that we had a safe and productive week.
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- Health for the Johnson family. We have never been so sick so often in our lives!
-- The 3D program that Tricia is working on. She is rapidly getting the program off the ground. Please pray for the program and also that God would continue to work in the lives of those he calls.
-- The upcoming accounting system changeover in Africa Regional Finance. It looks like it’s slated for October.
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, September 10, 2006
SA All The Way!!!
Jake is sporting the South African flag (sort of) facepaint in this picture, and the thumbs-up is symbolic of his week. He really had a great week this week!
Jake went to school every day this so that he could practice for his upcoming concert on the 22nd. He has some songs with motions that he does with his class. He is a thundercloud and the yellow stripe in the rainbow for his concert. He's singing the songs and doing the motions at home, so we know he is excited to perform.
Then, Friday night, we went to the mall for dinner (they have a really nice food court!) and unexpectedly ran into a school fair in the middle of the mall. Jake got his face painted by a clown working to draw kids into the booth of one of the expensive private school. Jake also got a free water bottle, so he was pretty pumped.
On Saturday, Jake went to a free trial leasson at a gymnastics place close to our house. We weren't sure if he would go for it or not, but he loved it! We're going to go ahead and sign him up, since it's really cheap and it's a good way for him to work on his coordination. So it looks like Jake will be a gymnast for a little while. It's kind of cool that things like that are so much cheaper than they would be in the United States, that way he actually can have the opportunity to do it!
Well, that about does it for his week. Daddy and Mommy just had a pretty normal week at the office, nothing too dramatic there!
Jake's Quote of the Week
"I miss Teacher Sharon, but sometimes she puts some of her favorite Deers in time out."
(Jake's class at preschool is called the Deers. We can only guess which one got put in time out.)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We praise God this week for Jake and what a blessing he is in our lives. We feel so privileged to watch him grow in size and as a person. We laugh so much with him around and are so thankful for this gift with which God has entrusted us. We just pray for wisdom to care for him as he should be.
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- Tricia's continued battles with her allergies
-- Unspoken request
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Hello Again!
Yes, we missed a week somewhere in there, although it seems that only a week has gone by! Time is just going so fast lately. Next week it will be 8 months that we have been here! Our three year internship will be over and we'll be home for our commissioning and home assignment before you know it.
The picture you see this week is Jake with his "favorite" baby from the orphanage, Lindiwe (Lindi). Jake is having such a good time going there each Tuesday and playing with the kids. Jake plays with the babies occasionally, but mostly plays with Bongi, Benolo, Tabile, and Phiwe (pronounced "Pea-way"). Bongi and Benolo are both two and then Tabile and Phiwe are both five.
Things are going well for us at work, Jeremy had some big meetings this week to get some fairly major things sorted out and running smoothly for the Region. Sorry that's not too detailed, but the details can't really be shared at this time. Tricia is also doing a lot of work in contacting those interested in missions across the Region and also working on planning her first "cross-cultural orientation" here in South Africa. The "cross-cultural orientation" is a seminar about working cross-culturally and is one of the preliminary steps in becoming a missionary with the Church of the Nazarene.
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Dear Jesus, Mommy doesn’t like ear-crocodiles or ear-pirates or ear-whales, but she likes dolphins and they eat fish. Amen."
(Don't ask, because we don't know.)
Praises and Prayer Requests
Everyone has been well for the most part this past week! Jake did have one evening where he spiked a 103 degree fever, but it was gone the next morning. Tricia has also felt much better over this past week, as her allergies seem to have subsided for the time being. Thanks for your prayers!
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- Change and progress is a good thing... but it also brings stress. Please pray for us as we get into the "meat" of our jobs.
-- Unspoken request
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Monday, August 21, 2006
Happy New Ear!
Okay, apologies for the corny title, but we are celebrating today because Jake's surgery went well! We were amazed at how quickly he came through it, it was less than 20 minutes from the time he went into the operating room until he came out. The doctor told us that between Jake's exam on Friday and the surgery this morning, Jake had developed a severe ear infection. The doctor said that he had never seen an ear infection get so bad so fast and that the eardrum probably would have ruptured by the end of the day if they hadn't had the surgery this morning. God definitely knows what He's doing!
Before I go any further, I guess I'd better explain the pictures. The first is one of our friends from our backyard. These little lizards are everywhere! They are cute little guys and range from the size you see in the picture to about the length of an adult's finger. Jake loves them! The second picture is from our first day of volunteering at the children's home in our neighborhood. Jake and Jeremy played with the big kids while Tricia helped care for the babies. We had a great time!
Well, the last 24 hours have been pretty exhausting (especially since Jake woke up 4 times last night), but God has brought us through wonderfully. We are so thankful that the surgery went well and we can focus on putting Jake's ear issues to rest now. Thank you so much for all of your prayers during this time, the Lord was definitely with us!
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Mommy, after the doctor fixes my ears, then we can go to the mall, and then we can go to the store to get some jelly beans."
(This kid never stops thinking about candy)
Praises and Prayer Requests
Of course, our big praise for the week is that Jake's surgery went so well. We know that a lot of you were praying, and we feel so fortunate to be lifted up by the Body of Christ in this way. We really can't express how much your support means to us.
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- Jake's recovery from his surgery, which should only take a few days. He has a follow-up appointment with the doctor in 2 weeks where they will retest his hearing. We're praying for 100% rather than 70% this time.
-- Tricia is still sick. It's been well over a week this time and although she is feeling a bit better today, it would be nice if she could kick it.
-- A team of ANU students (ANU is in Nairobi, Kenya) is travelling to Johannesburg this week. Please pray for their safe travels.
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Friday, August 18, 2006
A Prayer Request
Today, we took Jake to an ear, nose and throat specialist to try to figure out why he has been having frequent ear infections, difficulty hearing, etc. He had a bit of a problem with this when we were still in the U.S., but we have noticed that it has intensified since we arrived in Joburg, and he was starting to get in trouble at school because he "wasn't listening".
Anyway, it turns out that Jake needs grommets (we call them tubes) in his ears. They are also going to check out his larynx while they do the surgery, as they suspect that some of his problems might be related to his reflux, believe it or not. He has his outpatient surgery scheduled for Monday morning. It's not a huge deal, kids get grommets all the time, but we are a little nervous about having our three-year-old put under for the surgery. Plus there's the fact that we are in a foreign country and we have to front the money and then wait on the insurance to reimburse us.
So, we'd like your prayers for Jake's surgery and healing, his parents' nervousness, and the Lord's provision on the financial aspect. His surgery is Monday morning at 8:00am our time, which is 1:00am Central time in the States.
Thank you for your prayers!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Fun Times
It's that time of the week again, and it's been another good one. Not that there was anything too exciting going on, but it was an enjoyable week.
This past weekend, we went to the National Zoo in Pretoria, which is about 45 minutes to an hour from our house (45 minutes with Jeremy driving). Oh yeah, and we went with some random South Africans that we met at McDonald's two weeks ago (they turned out to be great). Animal-wise, it was probably just about like any other zoo in the States. However, the grounds and facilities were nicer than any zoo that I had ever been to. But... once you've been to a game park, a zoo just doesn't quite cut it anymore. We've been here 7 months and we're spoiled already!
Then on Tuesday, we started volunteering as a family at a small orphanage in our neighborhood. It's called Door of Hope, and it's affiliated with the Baptist church (there's nothing similar that the Church of the Nazarene offers in our area). We figured that it's close to home and is a good way for us to "get our hands dirty" in ministry, plus it's something we can all do together. In all, there are 14 kids at this home, 10 of them between 0 and 2, and 4 of them between 2 and 5. Jake and Jeremy play with the older kids while Tricia helps take care of the babies. Right now, we plan to go once a week for about two hours. It was a blast the first week!
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Dear Jesus, help us to take a ride on the boat with Auntie Diane on November 9th and please give us a new house. Amen."
(I don't even know what to say about this. Looks like I'd better find a boat in Ethiopia...)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We thank God this week for the work that he is doing on us. We feel challenged, but in a good way. You don't grow without the challenges, right?!
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- Tricia and Jake are sick... again. Sooner or later, we're going to get used to these South African germs.
-- Aggie at Door of Hope: She is running a home with 14 kids with just her and another live-in volunteer. The rest of her help with the kids is volunteer help, which is sometimes just not enough. Please pray for her health (and sanity!) as she cares for these children as best as she can.
Until next week,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
A New 'Do !!!
Yes, Daddy convinced Mommy today to let Jake try a new hairstyle. About halfway through the haircut, neither Mommy nor Daddy were too sure about it, but it turned out okay (we think). We're sure that there will be many that will disagree with us, as Jake's hair had many fans before. However, as Daddy told Mommy, don't worry, it can always grow back. So, what do you think?!
Well, this has been a big week. On Saturday, Jeremy went with some of the guys from the Regional Office to a soccer tournament in Soweto. There were about 80,000 crazy fans there, and it was a blast, although Jeremy came back with a killer sunburn on his face.
While Jeremy was in Soweto, Tricia and Jake went with another missionary and a local lady to Bruma market, an open-air market that was the setting for one of the challenges in last year's Amazing Race (the TV show). They also had a great time shopping and soaking in the culture.
However, the highlight of the week was yesterday, when Jeremy and Tricia celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that eight years have gone by already, it seems like yesterday! They went to a nice dinner at a steak restaurant in the area while "Uncle Johnny" and Jake had pizza and watched The Lion King. Going out to dinner is cheaper here than in the States, which made it extra nice! We thank God for eight wonderful years, throughout which he has challenged us, guided us, and most of all, loved us.
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Daddy, I have to stay in and watch a movie today. I can’t go outside because I have an ear collection."
(We haven't actually seen Jake's "ear collection", but we really hope we don't. However, if anyone is missing any, we will gladly make Jake return them. But the threat worked, Daddy let Jake stay in and watch a movie this morning.)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We praise God for our family and the eight years during which it has been established and grown both in number and in strength. By the time we come home for a visit in December 2008, we will have had quite a first decade of marriage. It has been a great joruney and there are not words to express how much we owe God for this joy.
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- Jake has been battling with his hearing lately, which (we think) is allergy related, but can't really tell. The doctor has told us that in order to accurately test his hearing that we have to catch him at a time when his ear canal is not irritated and there is not much wax build-up. So far, those two things haven't happened at the same time. Please pray that we get to the bottom of this soon.
Thank you to those who have sent packages lately. We will be sending pictures to you soon!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Eish! What a day!
Anyway, the reason it comes into play here is the day we had today. It definitely was a doozy. To make a long story short, in addition to the normal daily tasks, the Johnsons got to deal with a leaky toilet (leaky on the dirty side, not the clean side), plumbers that were four hours late, and having a confrontation with some crazy hippie "missionaries" that managed to deceive their way into one of our guest flats. Lots of fun. In the end, the police were involved and everything, but it ended without things getting physical, so that was a blessing! We are all safe and sound.
Well, because of these things, the Johnsons are a little worn out tonight, emotionally and physically. This will be a short one. Please pray for our peace of mind, because we actually felt badly about having to get rid of our hippie friends, since it is very cold here right now. Pray for them as well, that God can really work in their lives and keep them out of trouble.
Anyway, this week was a pretty "average" week, tonight's events excluded. Jake did take "Uncle Johnny" (Johnny Wakefield, a NIVS guy who graduated from ONU this year) to the Lion Park on Saturday, and that awesome zebra pic you see is Johnny's.
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Dear Jesus, please send us lots of jelly beans, ‘cause that’s why you’re up in heaven Jesus, is to give us jelly beans."
(Jake has obviously gotten his theology mixed up a little bit somewhere along the line... we're working on it.)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We praise God that the potentially very bad situation we faced today was defused without much fanfare. We are reminded that even when we are asking "why me?", God is already working out a way to make himself known to us. Thank you for safety and learning experiences!
Please just remember us in prayer in a general sense this week. There's nothing "big" going on, but we definitely need the Lord's guidance in our lives this week. Thanks for your prayers!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Cars, Cars, and... Cars
The past week has been a pretty exciting one for us at work. Tricia is really starting to get rolling and it in conversations with a lot of Nazarenes in Africa who have been called to missions but have never had an avenue to pursue that call. It's so encouraging to see how ready they are to accept that call in their lives, even though getting them through this still-developing process will take some time. At the same time, this reassures us in our call las well, to see that we can make such a difference when God has already prepared the way.
Jeremy is also still chipping away at various issues in the Finance department as well. This past week, he was working with an insurance company to figure out a way to get pension payments to retired ministers in other countries throughout Africa. There have been many complications with the way those sorts of things work in South Africa, but he was able to figure out a way to make it happen this week! Now, those who had not been receiving their pensions can finally start receiving them again. How rewarding!
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Oh, Jesus is sick in my heart! I need you to pick me up so that Jesus will feel better.”
(Jake was running around just after eating and said this as he was grabbing his stomach)
Praises & Prayer Requests
We praise God this week for the encouragement he gave us through the recent progress we have made in our jobs. It really reassures us that this is exactly where he wants us to be right now. It's a wonderful thing to have that knowledge.
We also praise God that Dr. Enoch Litswele, who was on our prayer list a while back, is continuing to make great leaps in his recovery from a stroke. He is walking, talking, and his memory is coming back nicely now!
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- Tricia, as she battles her allergies this winter. Her allergies were better than they have been in years during the summer, but are now worse than they have ever been during this winter.
-- Patience for the Johnsons. Our toilet and washer both broke this week, and repair people aren't exactly as reliable here as they are in the States. Tomorrow will be Day 3 that Tricia has had to sit at home all day, waiting for the repairman to show up. It's tempting for the Americans in us to come out!
-- As we experience success in our roles here, it is sometimes tempting to try to "take control" and leave God out of the equation more than we do when things are going badly. Please pray that we will constant rely on God in both our failures and successes.
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Almost Done with Winter!
Today, you can see that Jake and Jozi were having fun playing with bubbles (Jake blowing, Jozi biting). We had a very warm day today, it got into the lower 70s , which is about 10 degrees warmer than normal. Not too bad for winter! The "winter" part comes at night, when it is in the high 30s/low 40s. They say that the weather starts warming up again in August, so our winter is almost over!
Well, this past week we have been doing a lot of work on making our house "ours". Six months in, we decided to shift some furniture around, put up some more decorations, and even put a loft up in Jake's room! He calls it his "jungle bed" and is up there as much as he can be. It's a lot of fun!
Things are going well with our jobs, we just keep plugging away. Tricia made some good progress this week in her work, and Jeremy is getting ready to close out one of his many projects. We are feeling pretty good about that!
Also, we just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for all of the cards and the packages that have been sent over these past six months. They have been a real blessing to us and have definitely brought smiles to our faces every time we receive them! Thank you so much for all that you do to make us feel loved and supported.
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Ouch Daddy, you've got swords on your face!"
(Daddy hadn't shaved in a couple of days and gave Jake a kiss goodnight)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We thank God this week for a good week! We are also thankful that this week we were able to catch up with some friends that we hadn't talked to in a while. That's always nice!
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- The Miller family (missionaries to Ethiopia), as they are currently in Joburg attending to health problems.
-- Jake, as he copes with recently losing his two best friends to different assignments.
-- Our continued adjustment to South Africa and also working in a church setting.
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Monday, July 10, 2006
Noses to the Grindstone
Well, Jake sure looks like he's taking it easy, but this past week has been one of those weeks where we didn't really do much but work. Even our "time off" was spent doing a lot of work-related things this week. I guess we'll have weeks like that, though.
In the spirit of keeping our noses to the grindstone, we thought we'd share a little bit about the things that we are (and have been) doing at work these days:
Tricia has a dual role for the Region, she is the 3D Program Coordinator for the Africa Region and the guest flat manager for our housing complex here in Joburg. The goal of the 3D Program is to discover, develop, and deploy African missionaries, both within Africa and throughout the rest of the world. While this program is further along in some other areas of the world, Tricia is really building it from the ground floor here in Africa. In some ways, it is good that she has just arrived on the mission field, because she remembers her training and can apply the same concepts to those called to missions in Africa.
As guest flat manager, she is responsible for renting and maintaining our guest flats here in Joburg, which serve mainly to house those who are visiting the Africa Regional Office from other countries. Whenever there is a conference, event, etc., Tricia is making sure that our guests feel as much at home as possible.
Jeremy's main responsibility is serving as the Special Assistant to the Finance Coordinator, but he seems to get his hands in a little bit of everything from time to time. Right now, he is working on getting the pension and medical programs sorted out for the employees of the Church of the Nazarene in Africa, assisting in the monthly allocation process (accounting of the movement of money on the region), and a variety of other projects that have been on the back burner while more pressing issues have taken people's time. His main job is to take care of those pesky "business issues" that the Finance Coordinator just can't afford to spend time on while working on improving our accounting system.
However, Jeremy has also helped around the office in a number of different areas, everything from remodeling to real estate, and from moving furniture to selling cars. The good thing is that there is always something to do, so he is never bored!
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Dear Jesus, please send us strawberries and jelly beans and gummy worms and marshmallows and some… lots and lots of candy. Amen."
(He is definitely his mother's child!)
Praises and Prayer Requests
This week, we were reminded of God's grace as we celebrated six months in South Africa. We still kind of laugh to ourselves that God would have us being missionaries. We know that it is nothing within us that allows us to be here, it is all him. We look to the future confidently, knowing that he will take just as good of care of us as he has so far.
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- The Cyr family, as they are traveling to their new assignment in Miami
-- The Mthombeni family (one of Jeremy's coworkers), who have lost four family members within the last month, including one in a car accident on the way home from one of the funerals.
-- The Miller family (missionaries to Ethiopia), as they are currently in Joburg attending to health problems.
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Monday, July 03, 2006
6 Months Already?
It's hard to believe that on Wednesday it will have been six months since we arrived in South Africa... if the rest of the three years goes as quickly as the first six months, we will be there visiting with you in no time!
So, six months into it, we are starting to feel a little more at home. We know our way around a bit, we know enough of the local ways of saying and doing things that people actually understand what we're trying to say/do, and Jake is even starting to talk a bit like a South African!
Actually though, six months into it, we thought we would have accomplished more than we have. We're really just starting to understand how much work there really is to do. As Americans, I think we're used to rolling up our sleeves, getting right to work, and getting things taken care of. It just doesn't work like that here! Things just go at a different pace here, and there's not a whole lot you can do about it sometimes. We have learned to be a bit more patient and just to plug away, little by little, each day!
By the way, Happy 4th of July! I guess this also means that we've been posting on this blog for a little over a year now... wow. Living in another country really gives you a perspective as to how fortunate we really are to enjoy the freedoms (and luxuries) that we have as Americans. So we can sit here this year with no fireworks, but more proud to be Americans than we ever have been before.
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Mommy, when the sun goes bye-bye, he goes home to get a toy from his mommy and then when he gets his toy, he comes back tomorrow to see us."
(Move over Galileo, there's a new sheriff in town...)
Praises & Prayer Requests
We thank God for the strength that he has given us to make it through these first six months! It has been very hard at times, and we have been homesick, but he has helped those feelings to pass and to give us the comfort of knowing that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Your prayers have been a vital part of this!
Please remember the following in prayer this week:
-- Tricia, as she is struggling with her allergies here in this new environment. Summer was good, winter not so good. Luckily, winter will be over in August!
-- The Africa Region Financial Services office, as we prepare for a major accounting system changeover in August.
-- The North family, as they get adjusted to life in the U.S. again, and the Cyr family, as they prepare to leave South Africa next week.
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
P.S. The picture this week was taken at the Lion Park we went to a few weeks ago. If you look closely, you can see that one of the lions is playing with a windshield wiper from a car that got a little too close. :)
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saying Goodbye
Don't worry, WE'RE not saying goodbye to YOU... it's us saying goodbye to some fellow missionaries. Yes, part of the life of a missionary is saying goodbye, and we've done more of that than we care to in the last six months. Since we said goodbye to our friends and family in early January, we've now said goodbye to four missionary families. But we understand that the only constant in life is change, and we also know that the families that left have all felt God's calling to new assignments.
This time around, we are saying goodbye to the North and Cyr families. The Norths leave tomorrow and the Cyrs on July 10th. This is going to be an especially hard one for Jake because Jordan North and Nkele Cyr are his two best friends. He doesn't really grasp the concept now, but we imagine that we will have one sad little boy on our hands once he realizes what has happened. However, we know that he will make new friends and will be just fine once he has done that.
Well, the big news this week is that everyone is WELL! We were all so sick of being sick, but we're back in the saddle again. Jake is eating like a big boy and back to doing all of the things he likes to do. For right now, those things are:
1. Swinging on his new swing
2. Making his parents nervous by jumping off of EVERYTHING
3. Making up stories having to do with dinosaurs, dolphins, lions, sharks, pirates and swords
4. Watching movies
5. Playing with his puppy
6. Hitting his dad with empty paper towell rolls (actually, Dad started this one, so he deserves it right back)
Well, the big news of this week is that we have discussed it as a family, and we are going to try out a new section in our weekly update. We'll see how it goes over... your feedback is appreciated. :)
Jake's Quote of the Week (with parental commentary)
"I like to go potty sitting down because Jesus goes potty sitting down." - Jake
(As at the time it was spoken, I'm not really sure what to say here, so it will be more of a disclaimer than a comment this week... The views expressed in this quote are solely the opinion of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the doctrines and/or beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene... or his parents)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We are so thankful for health, it is so much easier to do the tasks that God has set before us when we actually feel like getting out of bed in the morning! Thank you for you prayers, they worked!
Also, a praise/update on Dr. Enoch Litswele, who is out of the hospital and back at his home, continuing his recovery.
We ask that you remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- The North and Cyr families, as they go and prepare to go to new assignments.
-- The group from the Africa Regional Office that is currently in Kansas City and heading back to Joburg next week.
Until next week,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Monday, June 19, 2006
Still a Bunch of Sickos...
Well, that's not entirely true, Jeremy has fully recovered from his illness and is back to 100%, and Tricia is mostly just battling severe allergies, but the ol' Jakester is still sick. He was better for a few days, seemed on the road to recovery, but over the weekend his cough and fever came back. So, we took him to the doctor today and he has two ear infections and a throat infection... bummer. But today we got him a whole bunch of medicine and the doctor thinks that he should be better in a few days. The joys of a child in preschool... :)
In other news, we are finally settled into the newly remodeled portion Africa Regional Office. Jeremy helped coordinate both the remodeling and the move of everyone from their old spots to their new ones, so it's a nice sense of accomplishment to see it done. Now that she has a desk, Tricia is going to start going into the office on a part-time basis (she works from home most of the time) so that she can get filing and things done that can't be done remotely.
Jeremy's supervisor, Fred Otto, is back from home assignment and is getting settled back into the office, so things are getting back to normal for Jeremy. Of course, as soon as they do get back to normal, the Financial Services office will be undergoing an accounting system change in late July. It's a good thing though, as it is the same system that Headquarters is on.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot... the pictures this week are from our trip to the Lion Park this weekend. It's about 20 minutes from our house and has about 40-50 lions, in addition to zebra, giraffes, ostriches, and a few other animals. Jake and Daddy got to pet the lion cubs while we were there! Jake also had fun using Mommy's digital camera to take some pictures of his own! We'll let you guess which one he took. :)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We praise God that this past week we received word that our fellow missionary friends, the Shinglers (intern missionaries to Ukraine), who welcomed a new baby girl, Geneveve Grace, into their family! Please remember them in prayer as they balance a new baby and intensive language training.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the following needs:
-- That Jake gets to feeling better, as he's been sick off and on for over two weeks now. We know that God will see him through this next year as he battles with all of the new "bugs" he will face at preschool.
-- As we prepare to say goodbye to the North and Cyr families, we pray for God's blessing on their new assignments. The Norths are going to serve at headquarters in KC, while the Cyrs have accepted a missionary assignment on the Caribbean Region.
-- With the departure of these families, Jake will be the only missionary kid under 15 in South Africa. Please pray that he finds some new friends to play with!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Happy Birthday to Jake!
However, we are back in the saddle! For those of you that knew about it and were praying, thank you! So, it has been an action-filled two weeks, but here's a quick summary of the things that happened:
Jake got a new puppy (a Boxer) for his birthday...
He had a birthday party...
He played a lot of fun games at his party with his friends from the neighborhood...
And even got to have a party at school with his class!
So, Jake has had a couple of big weeks, despite the sickness. Mommy and Daddy have been taking care of Jozi, his new puppy, and Jake has been having fun being three. Thanks to everyone that sent cards and packages to him, he really enjoyed getting the mail!
Praises and Prayer Requests
While we are very thankful that we are not as sick as we were this time last week, we're still not back to 100% for some reason. Jake especially is having a hard time with this one, and still has a pretty nasty cough. Please remember him in prayer this week.
As a follow-up to a prayer request a few weeks ago, we have received word that Dr. Enoch Litswele is doing much better in a hospital in Nelspruit, South Africa. Please keep praying for him and his family, as he still has a way to go in his recovery.
Please also pray for our continued adjustment to our new jobs and lives here in South Africa. We are so blessed to have such a great support system behind us!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, May 28, 2006
A Busy Week
As we mentioned last week, we started off our week having two students from the SNU team staying with us. Leigh and Amy were the two assigned to our house, and we all enjoyed having them stay with us, it was a good time. Jake especially enjoyed it, asking every morning when he first woke up, "Where's my girls?" He had a lot of fun playing with all of the students on the team, and I think the team thought Jake was okay too. :) Our pictures this week are of Jake with the team (of course, one with just him and "his girls").
This week also brought the end of Jake's "itches" (stitches), as he called them. We were worried about how he would react to them being taken out, as he didn't have any anesthesia for that part, plus they were right in his hairline, and we were afraid that the doctor might pull some hair with the stitches. However, Jake proved to be a little tough guy and didn't even cry at all! Maybe part of it was that he was being bribed with jelly beans, but we were impressed! Thanks for your prayers!
This week at work, Jeremy coordinated the first half of the office move that ARO (Africa Regional Office) is undertaking. The last few months, Jeremy has been working with contractors to have the main office area remodeled, and it is nearing completion. Thursday and Friday, Jeremy was in charge of a team of students from nearby Nazarene Theological College to move the first half of the offices. Everything went well and they are now ready to finish it up this week. This move will put most of the ARO staff in the same area, rather than scattered throughout the building, which will be a good thing for everyone.
We are also preparing this week for Jake's upcoming birthday, which is June 6th. His party is June 3rd, and we are working on preparations for that. It's hard to believe that he almost three years old! Tricia is making a pinata for the party, since no one here in South Africa has any idea what one is. It should be a good time!
Praises and Prayer Requests
We thank God this week for the easy time that we had with Jake's stitches coming out. That was a concern for us that God really took care of for us. We also are thankful that all of the various things that we were involved in this week, despite challenges, turned out well!
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- The SNU team that is now travelling in Botswana and Zambia, that God would bless the rest of their time there and that they would have a safe trip back home.
-- The Africa South Field meetings that are occurring this week, that God would use the time that the leaders of the church are here together to begin some great things for the South Field.
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, May 21, 2006
A Helping Hand
These pictures are from church this morning, when the kids got to use their new supplies during children's church. Thanks, kids!
From here in South Africa, the helping hands that we received were those of our family doctor, Dr. Jardim. Yes, unfortunately, Jake had a little accident on his bike and ended up with 5 stitches in his forehead this past Monday. It was a pretty scary time for us (especially Tricia, who was home when it happened), but everything worked out okay. We thank God that we have such ready access to good medical care here in South Africa, it's a blessing we often take for granted that many of our counterparts throughout the rest of Africa do not enjoy.
So, it's been an interesting week, but all is well in the Johnson house. We have a team from Southern Nazarene University that is in southern Africa doing AIDS relief work, and we are housing a couple of members of the team. They just got here yesterday, but Jake is loving the attention already. More on that next week...
Praises and Prayer Requests
Well, we are especially thankful that Jake is okay, other than a few stitches. Things could have been a lot worse, and we praise God that they were not. Part of the perils of having a little boy in the house!
We are also thankful for the support of everyone back home, in so many different ways. From those who send school supplies, to those who send money, to those who send e-mails and letters of encouragement, to those who pray for us daily, we are so thankful for each of you and everything that you do!
Please remember us in prayer this week...
-- For Jake's follow-up doctor appointment on Tuesday, to hopefully get his stitches out. He winced when I touched his "boo-boo" today, so pulling the stitches out will probably be a bit of a bad time for him.
-- That we would be good hosts to our SNU students so that they can rest well and make a big impact on those afflicted by AIDS in this area.
-- For wisdom and perseverance to do whatever God wants us to accomplish this week
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!
Jake also performed in his first school program this week for his mommy. They had all of the mothers into the nursery school (about 50 in all!) for tea and biscuits while the kids sang songs. Jake added his own little dance moves to the routine as well, which mommy was able to capture a little of on video. Daddy was not invited, but from the look on Mommy's face, Jake was a star!
Thank you for the prayers this week about Jake's doctor appointment. Things went well and they got his ears all cleaned out. The doctor thinks that Jake might need "grommets" (we call them tubes) in his ears, but other than that, everything seems to be fine. He did very well this week in school, not crying when he was dropped off, although there was bribery involved. :) Whatever works, right?!
Also this week, we had our interviews for our district minister's licenses. The interviews went well and our Regional Director will be passing along good feedback to our district. We were both a little nervous going into it, but quickly realized that there was no need to be nervous and everything was great! It was also good for our new boss and colleagues to hear a little more about us and our call to ministry. An all-round good experience!
Praises and Prayer Requests
We thank God for the prayers that were raised up on our behalf this week, there was good news in each area for which we requested you to pray! God is always faithful, isn't he?
Some prayer requests for this week:
-- Dr. Enoch Litswele, retired assistant Regional Director, went to the hospital this week and discovered that he had diabetes and also a stroke. We do not yet know the details of his condition, but please pray for him and his family during this time.
-- Also this week, Rev. Chuck Lockard, one of our fellow missionaries, fell ill and went to the hospital as well. He also has been diagnosed with diabetes. He is now home and resting, but please pray for the Lockards as they adjust to living with this newfound condition.
-- Please continue to pray for Jake's adjustment to nursery school and his new way of life. That is our main concern right now, yet we know that God will be faithful in this situation. Please lift Jake up in prayer during this time.
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Back to Work...
You know, we completely forgot to tell about our trip to Lesedi last week in our summary of our vacation. It is a "cultural village" where you can go to see how five of the different tribes from South Africa lived (and/or live). Jake is seen here with ones of the Zulus. :)
Well, all good things must come to an end, and so did our vacation. It was back to work this week, but it was a good week as well. Tricia had some meetings regarding her job and things are starting to move forward there, which is exciting. She has been given the go-ahead to start putting together a "cross-cultural orientation" (one of the things we had to do in our missionary application process) and to hold it at our theological college here in Joburg as a first run. It's good to see things moving forward!
Jeremy was also getting back into the swing of things in the Finance department this week. He often remarks that he will never have to worry about getting bored, there is always a mountain of things to be done!
Praises and Prayer Requests
It was pointed out to us that this section has been less consistent lately, and we gratefully accept the rebuke and will make a better effort to include it in the future! We definitely appreciate those who make such an effort to pray for us that they notice when there are no requests!
We also thank God for the opportunity we had to see a little bit of South Africa during our vacation and for the smooth transition back into work. Though we were tired, it was a good week!
This week, please remember us in prayer in the following ways:
-- Tricia and I will be interviewed by a local licensing board on behalf of the Kansas City District this week to be considered for our district license. We ask that God would guide us and the board in this process.
-- Jake has been struggling lately with a bit of "separation anxiety" when going to nursery school and children's church. He now cries every time we drop him off, which is difficult for both him and his parents! Please pray that Jake would be comforted and that we would have the wisdom to deal with things in the right way.
-- Jake has been having some difficulty hearing lately, so we took him to the doctor and they think that he might have something wrong with one of his eardrums. He will need to have his ears cleaned out this week so that an ear, nose and throat specialist can see what's going on in there. Please pray that both appointments would go well and that whatever is causing the issue would be something correctable.
Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Monday, May 01, 2006
Pictures From Our Holiday
Our First Visit!
Well, this week we had our first visitor to our new South African home, Jeremy's friend Roy from Kokomo (they went to high school together). We had a great time seeing all of the sights around the country and also enjoyed all of the goodies from home that Roy brought us! We'll give you a recap of some of the highlights of our first holiday (that's what they call vacation here) and will also post some more pictures later.
So now the pressure of being the first visitor is off and everyone else can come visit us now!
Roy arrived on Friday morning (the 21st) and first on the list was a trip to Pick n' Pay (like a Super Walmart) to stock up on groceries for the week. This is an experience in itself, and there were many "South African" things that we picked up for Roy to try while he was here.
Saturday we started the sightseeing with a trip to Soweto, led by a couple of our new South African friends, Kenneth and Theola Phiri. We visited the Regina Mundi Catholic church, where students organized their peaceful resistance demonstrations in spite of an apartheid government that threw blacks in jail if they were caught in groups larger than two people. The scars of police responses to these gatherings still remain in the church. Also while in Soweto, we visited Nelson Mandela's house, which was a great experience as well. The street the house is located on has the honor of being the only street in the world to house two Nobel Peace Prize winners (Mandela and Desmond Tutu)!
Sunday morning it was off to Cape Town, where we spent three days driving all over the Cape Peninsula. We got to spend some time at the V&A Waterfront, visited Robben Island (where Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years), Cape Point, and everything in between! It was a hectic three days, but we had to make the most of it, since we won't often be able to explore like that. Jake had a blast, getting to swim with penguins and see baboons (both in the wild, not a zoo) within about 30 minutes of each other. We never realized that penguins were native to Africa until then!
Wednesday was a day of rest for us, but Thursday we headed up to the Hartbeespoort Dam for Roy to do a little souvenir shopping. Roy was able to use his negotiating skills at the market to bring a suitcase full of Africa back for his family and friends!
Friday we woke up at 4:00am and went to Pilanesberg National Park, which is a good-sized game reserve about two hours west of Johannesburg. We spent the day driving around there scouting for wildlife and ended up seeing an elephant, giraffes, zebras, impalas, blesbok, baboons, rhinos, wildebeest, and a few other kinds of animals.
Saturday was another day of rest and Roy and Jeremy went to finish up the souvenir shopping at Cambano's, a very nice little curio shop about 45 minutes from home while Tricia and Jake played at the playland at our local mall.
Yesterday, Roy got to attend his first African worship service at our church. It was a service full of energy and Rev. Chuck Lockard brought a great holiness message to all of us. Later that evening, it was back to the airport for Roy and tomorrow it is back to work for us. We are very happy to have gotten the chance to experience a little bit more of our new home country while Roy was here!
Thank you for all of your prayers this past week, as our travels went off without a hitch. We spent a great deal of time in the car and are happy to say that everyone is safe and sound! We now are preparing to head back to work next week re-energized and ready to continue the work that the Lord has called us to do!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Monday, April 17, 2006
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! We are reminded today that we serve a God who was loving and humble enough to die on a cross for us, yet powerful enough to conquer all of the sin and death in the history of the world on that first Easter morning so long ago. If that's not good news, I don't know what is!
We have really enjoyed our first Easter weekend here in South Africa. We had great services on Friday and this morning. Also, both Good Friday and Easter Monday are national holidays here, so we are enjoying a four day weekend of fun! We have been going around to various local activities all weekend, such as Easter egg hunts, and will need to use Monday as a way to catch up our energy. Jake has had a blast though.
Take this time to remember what Jesus has done for you on the Cross and through his resurrection, and what that really means in your life. How has it changed you? We know it has changed us and that he has saved us from what we once were. We love you all and will see you next week!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, April 09, 2006
We have finally gotten around to taking a picture of the strip mall around the block from our house. This is where we get prescriptions, rent movies and pick up odds and ends from time to time. It's about a 5 minute walk from our complex, which makes it very handy.
As you can see, it doesn't look drastically different from the strip malls you'd see in the U.S. (other than the street markings on the other side). We really are blessed to have this convenience so close to us, it has saved our lives a few times so far!
This week, we are taking a step back from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives to remember the reason why we're here. We are overwhelmed that God would choose to die to save us. And his rising from the grave is the hope which he has given us. And now it is our job to ensure that Africa hears of this hope and takes hold of it. That's an exciting thing!
A little less than two weeks after Easter, we will have our first visitor! Jeremy's friend Roy (from Kokomo) will be swinging by South Africa on the way home and spending a little over a week here. We are excited for the visit and hope that we will have more of you lined up to come visit us soon, whether it is a Work & Witness trip or a vacation. We'd love to have you!
We really don't want to focus on our prayer requests this week, but just to bask in the fact that God has already claimed the victory over anything that comes our way. Thank you for your prayers and be encouraged by this fact in your own life as well.
Have a happy Easter!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Branching Out
Getting to know the "strange" things that we can find here has been one of our goals. We want to get the "African experience" so that we might understand where those we minister to are coming from. We view getting to know our surroundings, trying new food, reading about the history of this country (Tricia is currently reading "The Long Walk to Freedom", Nelson Mandela's autobiography), and anything else we can learn as a big help to our ministry. However, Jake got a little carried away with this concept tonight at the dinner table when he decided that watermelon and ketchup sounded like a good combination. We tried to tell him that this was not a typical South African dish, but he didn't care and kept eating it anyway! (yuck!)
We have found a nice church that we have settled into here, it's actually the church at Nazarene Theological College. It is a great mix of cultures, backgrounds, ages, and even countries of origin. We love the lively worship (it reminds us of our beloved KC First Spanish!) and have enjoyed getting to know some of the students. We are doubly excited because we know that these are the future leaders of the church in southern Africa, who we will be working with very soon in the future. We hope that they will replace us someday!
In other news, it looks like we are creeping ever closer to the day when we will have to get Jake a pet. For the past two weeks, Jake has been "hamster-sitting" for Quinn, one of the other missionary kids, and has fallen in love with the hamster. In fact, he was quite upset when it was gone this afternoon after Quinn came back. So... it may not be long until Jake has some sort of animal in our house. :) Any ideas?
This week, please pray for Tricia as she gets a little deeper into her new responsibilities that she started last week. She is trying to come up with the beginnings of a "3D" program for the Africa Region (that means Discover, Develop, Deploy), or really, for Africans that feel a call to missions. She is also going to be managing the guest flats here at our townhome complex. Please also pray for Jake as he begins his second term of nursery school (4 terms a year). And... it wouldn't hurt to pray for Jeremy as well, he usually needs it! :)
See you next week!
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake