Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Almost Done with Winter!

Today, you can see that Jake and Jozi were having fun playing with bubbles (Jake blowing, Jozi biting). We had a very warm day today, it got into the lower 70s , which is about 10 degrees warmer than normal. Not too bad for winter! The "winter" part comes at night, when it is in the high 30s/low 40s. They say that the weather starts warming up again in August, so our winter is almost over!

Well, this past week we have been doing a lot of work on making our house "ours". Six months in, we decided to shift some furniture around, put up some more decorations, and even put a loft up in Jake's room! He calls it his "jungle bed" and is up there as much as he can be. It's a lot of fun!

Things are going well with our jobs, we just keep plugging away. Tricia made some good progress this week in her work, and Jeremy is getting ready to close out one of his many projects. We are feeling pretty good about that!

Also, we just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for all of the cards and the packages that have been sent over these past six months. They have been a real blessing to us and have definitely brought smiles to our faces every time we receive them! Thank you so much for all that you do to make us feel loved and supported.

Jake's Quote of the Week

"Ouch Daddy, you've got swords on your face!"

(Daddy hadn't shaved in a couple of days and gave Jake a kiss goodnight)

Praises and Prayer Requests

We thank God this week for a good week! We are also thankful that this week we were able to catch up with some friends that we hadn't talked to in a while. That's always nice!

Please remember the following in prayer this week:

-- The Miller family (missionaries to Ethiopia), as they are currently in Joburg attending to health problems.
-- Jake, as he copes with recently losing his two best friends to different assignments.
-- Our continued adjustment to South Africa and also working in a church setting.

Until next time,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

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