Well, thunderstorm season has started this week, so it's the time of year that we run to unplug everything at the first rumble of thunder. Johannesburg, due to the altitude and the high metal content in the soil (this was a mining town), has the second worst lightning in the world. I think St. Petersburg, Russia is the first, but I'm not sure. Anyway, you can impress your friends with that little fact about Jo'burg.
We haven't had too much action this week, which is nice, because we were very busy there for a while. It's definitely good to have a week where you can catch your breath every once in a while.
Of course, this week we have been holding our breath more than anything. Our car has been into the shop five times in the last two weeks since a radiator hose busted and our car overheated. The hose was fixed the following day, but the car has been "weird" ever since. So finally, on the fifth time into the shop, they located the problem: our car has a warped cylinder head from overheating. So... that's expensive. We find out on Friday just how expensive, but that is not a bill we are looking forward to getting (as if there was a bill that we were looking forward to). Pray for us, please, as we need to make funds stretch for 2+ more years and this will probably put a big dent in that plan. We know that God will provide, though.
So goodnight from rainy Johannesburg....
Jake's Quote of the Week
"Ask Mommy if she can sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' to me, because if she doesn't, she is not obeying God."
(We're just happy that our three-year-old is already so in tune with God's will!)
Praises and Prayer Requests
We praise God for RAIN!!! Tricia and Jake's allergies wer much better in the rainy season at the beginning of the year, and we are hoping that the return of the rain will bring some relief for them this time as well.
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- God's provision in the situation with our car
-- Good health for the whole family
-- God's direction in our lives and ministries
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake
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