Monday, September 18, 2006

Hoppin' Into Spring!

Yep, that was a short winter. It was pretty much just June - August, and now it's starting to warm up again. This past week was all in the 70's, and it is sunny about 95% of the time here. The weather is never bad in Joburg, it's just that the nights can sometimes get a little cold with no central heat in the houses.

Anyway, the weather turning for the warmer has been the highlight of an otherwise blah week. Yes, sickness has struck the Johnson household again, and Jake was very sick on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but is feeling a bit better today. Hopefully he will be back to normal so that he can get back to school tomorrow. He has a big concert coming up on Friday that we don't want to miss!

Well, the picture you see there is the other reason that Jake wants to make sure he is well for next week… he gets to start gymnastics classes! The guy in the picture is his teacher, Max. Jake loved his free introductory lesson and can’t wait to go back to the “circus” as he calls it. We hope to have a full report for you next time.

In other news, we had a great experience today in our first live interview with one of our LINKS churches (Fort Osage). Pastor Will Silva (who we knew in KC) called us and was able to put the call over his church’s sound system so that we could interact with the church. It was great! Jake even got in on the fun and sang them a song. If anybody else wants to try something like this, we are open to it!

Jake’s Quote of the Week

“Mommy, I want to go outside in just my toes.”

(Kids here play outside in bare feet A LOT. Jake is now getting in on the fun.)

Praises and Prayer Requests

We’re thankful for spring and for a bit warmer nights. We’re thankful that Jake seems to be recovering nicely from the flu. We’re thankful that we had a safe and productive week.

Please remember the following in prayer this week:

-- Health for the Johnson family. We have never been so sick so often in our lives!
-- The 3D program that Tricia is working on. She is rapidly getting the program off the ground. Please pray for the program and also that God would continue to work in the lives of those he calls.
-- The upcoming accounting system changeover in Africa Regional Finance. It looks like it’s slated for October.

Until next time,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

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