Thursday, October 19, 2006

Is This Thing Working?

I'll bet that's what some of you thought as we have strayed a bit from our weekly updates.
Looks like we're at about a week and a half on this one, so I suppose it's time to give another update.

We received a huge blessing this week when a family friend informed us that they were making a very generous donation toward the repairs on our car! Thanks to those who were praying with us through these past few days and a very special thanks to our friend! God always has it under control, even when we feel like the ride is getting a little too bumpy for our comfort, doesn't he?

This weekend we also took Jake to the Ushaka Aquarium, which is where these pictures are from. He had a blast and we ended up definitely getting our money's worth, as we went through it four times that day! Funny little story from the outing:

Jake and Daddy were looking at the jellyfish when a worker that Jake had spoken to earlier walked up for another round of the talkative little American. She asks him if he likes the jellyfish and he replies that he does, and that sea turtles eat jellyfish, but they don't eat trash, because that makes them sick (Jake learned this while playing the Tuga the Sea Turtle game on The lady's eyes got big and she sort of laughed, called him a "clever boy" and then walked away.

About 15 minutes later, we went to the sea turtle tank to watch the feeding, and who was the narrator, but Jake's new friend. While she was giving her little sea turtle speech as the diver was feeding the turtles, she explained that one of a sea turtle's most common foods is jellyfish. Of course, she also explained to the kids the importance of not littering, as sea turtles often mistake discarded plastic bags for jellyfish, then eat them and get very sick from it. While she was giving this part of her speech, she looked at Jake with a huge smile and winked a him. Our little genius... :)

Well, what other detail about our week could really top those two? Probably nothing, so I'd better end it on a high note!

Jake's Quote of the Week

"Dear Jesus, thank you for Daddy, because he is my son..."


Praises and Prayer Requests

Well, in addition to the answer to prayer of the donation we received, we also are happy to report another healthy week! In fact, it has been quite some time since Jake has been sick now. Tricia's allergies are also getting better since the weather is warming up and we are getting more rain. We are thinking that it is the cool and extremely dry winters that are going to be getting to her over the years that we are here.

Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:

-- Our continued adjustment to missionary life
-- Unspoken request
-- The 3D program that Tricia is working on, that it would meet the needs of Africans who are called to missions and be useful in preparing them to follow that call

Until next time,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Spring is here...

Well, thunderstorm season has started this week, so it's the time of year that we run to unplug everything at the first rumble of thunder. Johannesburg, due to the altitude and the high metal content in the soil (this was a mining town), has the second worst lightning in the world. I think St. Petersburg, Russia is the first, but I'm not sure. Anyway, you can impress your friends with that little fact about Jo'burg.

We haven't had too much action this week, which is nice, because we were very busy there for a while. It's definitely good to have a week where you can catch your breath every once in a while.

Of course, this week we have been holding our breath more than anything. Our car has been into the shop five times in the last two weeks since a radiator hose busted and our car overheated. The hose was fixed the following day, but the car has been "weird" ever since. So finally, on the fifth time into the shop, they located the problem: our car has a warped cylinder head from overheating. So... that's expensive. We find out on Friday just how expensive, but that is not a bill we are looking forward to getting (as if there was a bill that we were looking forward to). Pray for us, please, as we need to make funds stretch for 2+ more years and this will probably put a big dent in that plan. We know that God will provide, though.

So goodnight from rainy Johannesburg....

Jake's Quote of the Week

"Ask Mommy if she can sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' to me, because if she doesn't, she is not obeying God."

(We're just happy that our three-year-old is already so in tune with God's will!)

Praises and Prayer Requests

We praise God for RAIN!!! Tricia and Jake's allergies wer much better in the rainy season at the beginning of the year, and we are hoping that the return of the rain will bring some relief for them this time as well.

Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:

-- God's provision in the situation with our car
-- Good health for the whole family
-- God's direction in our lives and ministries

Until next time,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Special Visitor

This week, we got to meet someone from our home church (KC First Spanish Church), Dr. Erika Rios! We had never actually met her until she showed up at our door this past week because she started going to Spanish Church after we had already left for Joburg. But it was great to get to meet her, even if she has been so busy that she hasn't been around much. We are so happy to have her staying with us and she makes us feel like a little piece of home has come to us!

Well, Erika didn't just come to visit, she came to be a part of some NCM activities as part of the Church of the Nazarene's global AIDS ministries (thus the "busy" part). She also came bearing gifts from our church! We got all kinds of cool things, but as you can see in the picture, Jake's favorite part was the Fruit by the Foot, which are like long, skinny Fruit Rollups. He thought that was the greatest thing in the world and will probably have them all gone in the next week. :)

Also, this past Sunday we celebrated Tricia's birthday, which was a lot of fun as well. Jake really enjoyed going shopping with Daddy at the mall (yes, there are malls in Africa!) for Mommy's birthday. Jake bought Mommy a CD and Daddy bought her a book, and then we took her to both lunch and dinner that day. A good time was had by all!

This Thursday marks 9 months that we have been here in Africa, which means that our internship is 25% of the way over! Just a little over two years and we will be back interviewing with the General Board. Wow.

Speaking of how time flies... several people have asked us about sending Christmas packages. Basically, if you want to have something arrive before Christmas, we are told that it needs to be sent in the early part of November. We've heard of things sent around Thanksgiving time that didn't arrive until February. So hopefully that answers some questions.

Jake's Quote of the Week

"Hi Dad, I just need a drink of some hot coffee."

(Jake said this after Jeremy woke him from a sound sleep in order to take him potty.)

Praises and Prayer Requests

We praise God this week for another year of life for Tricia and also for our loving church family back in KC. Les queremos y les extranamos mucho! We also enjoyed a week of good health for the entire family, which is seemingly rare lately!

Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:

-- Safe travels for Dr. Erika Rios and the rest of the NCM visitors as they return home this week.
-- Unspoken request

Until next time,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake