Saturday, May 24, 2008

Winter Is Here!!!

Ten weeks old!

Jake just couldn't help himself it just looked like so much fun.

The weather is beginning to cool off. We have pulled out all of our space heaters and they are getting a lot of use in the evenings. Here houses don't have central air and heat so we must rely on lots of blankets and space heaters to stay warm in the winter. The days are nice because it is really sunny all year round so that helps. But once the sun goes down it gets quite chilly. It has even been known to get to freezing at night. BRRRRRRR!!!

We are doing well, starting to get the hang of having three kids. Granted, we don't go out of the house much any more but I am sure in time we will be on the go again. The babies are doing well and growing like weeds. They are beginning to smile and make really cute talking sounds. They are a bit behind but they are right on target for babies that are five weeks premature. Jake is doing really well also and is also growing like a weed. It seems like all of his clothes are getting to small and he doesn't seem to be able to get full, always wanting to eat more. He is turning 5 in less than two weeks (June 6). He mentions his birthday party at least once a day, he is having a special Spiderman party at a local play land.

Jeremy and Tricia are finally getting a bit more sleep. We feel like now that we get 5-6 hours of sleep straight we are able to make it through the day better. Jeremy is extremely busy with all the areas he is involved in. Tricia has her hands full with the kids and sometimes wishes she had more hands. So we are happy that they are getting closer to sleeping through the night.

Jake took this picture of Tricia. If we give him the camera he will spend about an hour walking around the house taking pictures. Good thing we have a digital camera.

We had the wonderful privilege to speak with Blue Springs Church of the Nazarene during their Sunday morning service. Thank you to this wonderful church family for all their support and their many prayers for us. We really enjoyed speaking with you and hope to do it again soon.

Prayer Requests
1. Please pray that we would always be sensitive to what God is calling us to do.
2. Please pray for the violence that is occurring in the townships in South Africa.
3. Please pray for us as we try to balance family and ministry.
4. Please pray for strength and wisdom in raising children on the mission field
Until next time,
The Johnson Five

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

7 Weeks Old

Wow, we have our hands full. Our 7 week old twins and our active almost 5 year old are constantly keeping us on the go. The babies are growing at a rapid pace which we are thrilled with. Ryan now weighs 4.2kgs and Katie weighs 3.6kgs. They are eating well and now we are trying to get them to sleep longer so that Mom and Dad can get some much needed rest.
Jeremy is back to work. It has been nice that he has been able to be home more and help with the babies. He has a lot of catching up to do at work and he is trying to figure out how to do that on minimal sleep. There are some exciting things going on in Communications in Africa in the area of radio, web and video. Please pray for the Communications staff as they try to create ways to help the Kingdom through media.
Tricia is staying at home with the kids right now. In a few months, she hopes to have more time to spend on the Missionary program here in Africa, but for now she is completely occupied with taking care of the babies and Jake. What a privilege she has to be able to do this. They grow up way too fast!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers.