Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy 5 months!!!

Well today the twins are 5 months old. It seems like time is flying by. We can't believe that it has already been four months that they have been out of the hospital and home with us. Jake is very excited that they are 5 months now because he is the number 5 also. Here are a few photos of our babies.

The babies are both 13 pounds now. Katie has caught up with her brother. Ryan is gaining slowly but surely and Katie suprises us everytime she gets weighed with how much she gains. They are doing well. They are quite a bit behind developmentally but hopefully by the time they are 2 years old they will be all caught up. Ryan can roll from his tummy to his back sometimes, but we have yet to have Katie roll. They are working on building up strength to hold there heads up for more then one minute. When they do tummy time they still spend alot of time with their faces buried in the blanket. They are both smiling alot and have started laughing more now. They are alot of fun.

Please keep us in your prayers as we are planning for home assignment and our relocation back to the States.

Jake Quote:

“… and Jesus, no one is better than you, no one is more kingable than you, and no one is bossier than you. Amen.”

Until next time,

The Johnson Five

Friday, August 08, 2008

Ten Wonderful and Exciting Years

It sure doesn't feel like ten years ago today that we were walking down the aisle for the first time together as husband and wife! In some ways, ten years seems like forever ago, but also in some ways, it feels like we just started our family yesterday. The years have been interesting and not without challenges, but God has been good and has brought us through the tough times as well as blessed us with many, many good times. We are so thankful that God brought us together and has given us three children and ten years of blessings. Here's to 50 more! :)

Well, in addition to that bit of news, it's time for another big update. We have made the decision not to renew our missionary contract for another term, so we will be serving out the remainder of this term and then returning to the US. This is a decision that came after much prayer and consideration, but at the end of the day, we just did not feel God leading us to enter into another missionary contract at this time. We are, however, continuing our relationship with the Africa Region and leaving the door open for whatever God may lead us to in the future.

Upon our return in December, we will be travelling around the US through the end of March, speaking in churches about our work in Africa, and also sharing a few of the exciting ways in which God is leading the church into the future (please contact us at to book a service!). We will still be serving the Africa Region in a part-time volunteer capacity, assisting the Regional Director with special projects with which the region needs assistance. Though this is not quite the way we expected everything to happen, we are trusting God and doing our best to be obedient to him. After living nearly three years in South Africa, it has become home for us, and it will be difficult to head back to the US. Please pray for us regarding our transition, as well as the one that will take place here in Africa.

Well, this just wouldn't be a blog entry without some pictures of the kids:

Katie just hanging out waiting for Ryan to finish his bottle.

Jake surprised Mommy this week with writing his first sentence. He sounded it out all by himself and this is what he came up with. How cute!

Jake's Quote of the Week

Mommy: "How long do you think Mommy & Daddy have been married?"

Jake: "Maybe like 20,000 years... or maybe two and a half years."

Praises & Prayer Requests

-- Ryan is eating a bit better and is gaining weight again! Thanks for the prayers!

-- The health of our family (lots of sickness going around the past two weeks)

-- Our upcoming transition

Until next time,

The Johnson Five