Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lots of new pictures, enjoy!!!

If you have been following our blog for a long time, you have heard about Lindi. She is a little girl from an orphange that we volunteer at. Jake loved her when he first met her. He thought she was the cutest baby there. She is now three and living in a foster home. The lady that is fostering her is the music minister at our church. Every Sunday we would go pick Lindi up from the orphange and bring her to church. Cathy, the music minister, fell in love with her too. We are so happy that now she is living with Cathy and we still get to see her every Sunday. Jake has been begging to have her over to play again so here are a few pictures from her visit last Saturday.

We took the babies to the doctor this week for a regular checkup. Katie is doing great and staying on track for a preemie baby. However, Ryan is still giving us trouble. While at the visit the doc diagnosed him with asthma. He also thinks it is best to send him for some extra help from a neurophysiotherapist. Katie is behind appropriately for a premie but Ryan is even more behind than that. Ryan keeps us on our toes with the medical stuff while Katie keeps us on our toes with her behavior. :)

Katie trying to escape her bouncy seat.

Jake and his friends all wearing goggles to play in the sprinkler.

Katie modeling her new outfit from Don and Cheryl at the Spanish Church in KC. They also sent outfits for Jake and Ryan but it has been hard to get them all in their outfits at the same time. Someone is always needing to be changed. Thanks for the Chiefs outfits, soooo cute!

Just relaxing, they sure do love each other.

Ryan and Jake cuddling before bed.

Ministry Update:
World Mission Communications is partnering with our French Equatorial Field on a DVD of a drama geared towards children at the end of this month, which is an exciting project. We also have gotten approval to proceed with finishing our animated DVD of the Articles of Faith StudyMap. This is a the teaching tool that the Africa Region is using both for evangelism and discipleship purposes. It uses graphics to teach the Articles of Faith. The creator of the AOF StudyMap is also working on a series of StudyMaps to teach the entire Bible, book by book. It really works too! It has been an awesome tool that we hope to teach other regions (including the US) to utilize.

Prayer Requests:

1. Prayer for the millions of things we need to do to close out our time here.

2. Ryans health: his eating problems, his asthma, and his physical delays.

Jake's Quote of the Week:

"Feel my finger, it feels so soft. It feels so soft because it loves people."

Until Next Time,

The Johnson five

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