Monday, July 14, 2008

Wow, 4th Post In July Already!!!

We have been so bad lately about posting blogs, but we already have four in for this month! I guess that is a sign that we are getting the hang of having three kids now. We can't believe how this month is flying by. The winter here is more than halfway over already. The month of August is really windy here, it is the strangest thing, but we know once the wind comes then it begins to warm up. We can't complain about the weather though, because it is beautiful all year round. We get to enjoy being outside in the parks even in the winter.

Quick update:

Ryan still is having trouble taking his bottles so we now feed him a teaspoon of rice cereal everyday and it is making a world of difference. He is still classified as "failure to thrive" but is now on the upswing, we feel. As you can see, he doesn't like the cereal either, but is a champ about eating it anyway.

The babies are really into putting their hands in their mouths! It makes it difficult to take pictures when you have to constantly pull their hands out of the way!

Here is a picture where I actually got them both smiling at the same time but now I have to get them to smile and look at the camera at the same time. Maybe in a year from now...

Jake's Quote of the Week

"I just can't stop loving Katie! I think I should have her as a stuffed animal."

Prayer Requests

1. Jake would like you all to pray for his cough. He has had a bad cough all winter. We think it is an allergy thing to have lasted this long. He is getting really tired of having a cough.

2. Please pray that we are always listening and open to Gods direction in our lives.

3. Please pray for Pastor Madela and the Africa Trinity Church of the Nazarene.

4. Please pray for Ryan as we are still battling with his eating problems and weight.

Until next time,

The Johnson Five

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