Thursday, May 17, 2007

Time for an Update

We’re sure that most of you are thinking, “About time…”, and you’re right. It’s been two and a half weeks since our last blog entry, and there is some important news to share. However, before we do, take a look at Jake’s most recent masterpiece that he drew on his chalkboard. He got some new chalk, so it inspired him to write his name and draw a self-portrait. Not bad for a three-year-old, eh? :)

So, now to the news… first of all, Jeremy has gotten a new job! Starting on June 11th, he will be taking the position of Communications Coordinator for the Africa Region. It’s quite a bit more responsibility, as he will be coordinating the video, radio, internet and written communication for the Region, as well of thinking of new ways to tell the story of the Africa Region and work to better connect the African church with the rest of the global church. Jeremy is excited for the challenge and the opportunity!

Second, we got a little taste of home this past weekend when we had a telephone call with our home church! It was great to be able to share a little bit about what we are doing in Africa and to get to hear our pastor’s voice, as well as the voices of a few other congregation members! Jake sang a song and said a Bible verse for them, and everyone seemed to enjoy that. Unfortunately, we were on the call from our computer and the African internet was not cooperating too well, so it was hard to understand parts of the call. But at least we got to hear from them, and that was nice!

Finally, we want to wish a belated Happy Mothers’ Day to all of the mothers that follow along on our blog. Hope you had a very special day!

Jake’s Quote of the Week

“Dear Jesus, thank you for our lovely pizza and our lovely servillettes and please let it stay smelling “pizzaly” in our car, because we like it when it smells like pizza in our car. Amen.”

(It’s those little blessings that God bestows on us… like “pizzaly” cars.)

Praises and Prayer Requests

We praise God that he was looking after one of our friends, little eight-week-old Jonathan Kanenungo, as he underwent emergency surgery to fix an artery that had not closed properly after his birth (Jonathan’s parents, Naila and Simba, work at the Africa Regional Office). Jonathan came through the surgery very well and is now recovering.

Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:

-- Jonathan's continued recovery
-- Jeremy's preparation for his new job
-- Our family's health this winter
-- God's blessing upon our ministry here in Africa
-- Unspoken request
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

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