Sunday, January 14, 2007

More Friends Visit...

Well, so far, so good for 2007! The year started off with a bang here in South Africa, with the Third Wave conference for youth leaders. Leaders from 55 different countries and 2 general superintendents were here at the Good News Conference Center for a week of seminars, networking, etc. From what we hear (we only stopped by a couple of times), it was a very good experience and everyone learned a lot. Our highlight of the conference (since we weren't really participants) was getting to see friends that we hadn't seen in a while. We saw a lot of friends that we hadn't seen in a while, including our missionary friend, David Webb!
We went through our missionary intern training with the Webb family in the fall of 2005, and now they are serving in Costa Rica, where David and Shelley are in charge of evangelism and youth for the MAC South (southern part of the Mexico and Central America Region). We, of course, got to know the Webbs very well during our internship and were glad to get the chance to see our dear friend David while he was here (that's him in the picture)!
In work news, Tricia had an exciting week, as she met with Marty Hoskins, the Director of World Mission Mobilization, who was here for the Third Wave Conference. Part of Marty's responsbilities includes overseeing the various 3D programs around the world. So during his visit here, Marty gave Tricia a new direction for her assignment. Now, she is essentially going to be trying to raise awareness of missions on the Africa Region by promoting what Africans are doing in missions. Programs that are "handed down" usually prove to be short-lived and do not make much impact. On other regions, this new approach has worked to create more of a sense of ownership within the region, and the results have been better.
Jake's Quote of the Week
“Dear Jesus, I love you very much and I need you to do everything that I want you to do. Amen.”
Praises and Prayer Requests
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
--The Webb family, as they adjust to their new envrionment in Costa Rica
--Tricia, as she learns her "new" assignment
--Jake, as he gets back to preschool
--Unspoken request
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

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