Sunday, March 26, 2006

God is Moving

Fall revival started at our church today (yes, we're entering the early part of fall here), and it has already been quite a reminder that God is always moving and calling his people to move with him. He is putting his fingers on some areas of our lives that we need to work on and we are being challenged spiritually.

This week has been a good week, we are all getting over our colds and life is getting back to normal. It was a busy week at work for Jeremy as he continues to manage the office remodel project for the church and is also selling one of the Region's cars in addition to his normal duties in Finance. Also, Tricia is now beginning to get to work on her assignment as well. She will be coordinating the "3D" program (Discover, Develop, Deploy), which is designed to prepare people for missionary service and is pretty much what we just went through in KC. There is not a program currently in Africa, so Tricia will be developing one so that Africans who are called to missions can be properly prepared to go into missionary service. She will also be coordinating the "guest flats", which are apartments for church visitors to South Africa.

Please pray for the revival that is taking place at our church. We believe that it has the potential to be taken across the entire continent of Africa by all of the pastors-in-training that go to our church. These are exciting days for Africa!

We pray that revival will come to your heart as well this week. Use this time to hear what God is saying specifically to you. Is there anything he wants to change in you? Something he wants you to do? We have discovered that he is faithful in every detail, and pray that you feel that this week.

Until next time,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

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