Sunday, February 26, 2006

Jake the Big Boy

We have been discovering that since we've gotten here, Jake is growing up at an even faster pace than he was in the States! Please tell us that it slows down a little bit. Right?!

Well, you see there in the picture that Jake is now a little chef, making ice cream clowns with "Auntie Diane", one of the other missionaries here in Joburg. Of course, fine cuisine is only one of the many things that Jake has picked up on since he has been here. For instance, he rides a motorcycle, he plays basketball, and he even starts school tomorrow!

Yep, that's right, he starts school tomorrow, much to his parents' dismay. Not because we think that he won't like it, or that he'll even be away that long. We know he'll love it and he'll only be going half days, three days a week for starters. No, it's just the fact that he's quickly becoming a "big boy", and we wonder where these first 2 1/2 years have gone so fast!

Well, look next week for a full report on Jake's first week of school, but he's doing quite well in his new environment here. He's made lots of friends, is making lots of messes, and continues to make his parents laugh with the clever things he says. He's adjusted well to "Souf Acrifa", as he calls it. :)

We are always encouraged to hear that we have people back home that are praying for us, and we got word this week from several of you that follow the blog and are praying for us daily. We need it, please keep them coming! Some special needs that we are reminded of this week are:

-- Rev. Eugenio Duarte, as he officially takes the position of Regional Director of the Africa Region this Wednesday, that God will give him HIS vision for the Region
-- Safe travels for the Middendorfs and the Bustles, who will be traveling from the States for the inauguration ceremony
-- All of the missionaries travelling to, during, and from home assignment
-- The Church of the Nazarene in Africa
-- Jake, as he begins nursery school, and his parents, as they worry about him

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

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