Saturday, October 01, 2005

What a week...

Well, this hasn't been the best week in the history of the Johnson house, Tricia and Jake have both been sick, our bathroom has been torn up all week, and then there's the regular hectic schedule that has been thrown on top of that. We've struggled, but we've made it. God has been good through it all, despite the challenges.

Tomorrow we head to the Dallas, TX area for deputation, which is a blessing. October 1st is Tricia's birthday and is also her sister Traci's birthday as well (no she's not a twin, and no, her parents didn't plan it like that)! Since Traci and her family live in the Dallas area, she and Tricia will get to share their birthdays together this year!

Weekend Update

This last weekend was a crazy one. Jeremy's brother Steven got married on Saturday and then we had our two deputation services on Sunday. It was a busy time! It was good to see Jeremy's family and friends and a privilege to be at Steven and Mehgan's wedding. It was also good to visit New Castle First and Kokomo First (one of Jeremy's "home" churches). We met a lot of wonderful people and felt very welcomed by both congregations.

Daily Life

As mentioned above, this was a tough week. Not only for us, but it seemed like it was for all of the missionary interns. There was at least one sick kid and one sick parent in each family, and classes don't really stop and wait for that. We don't know how we would make it through weeks like this without the prayer support we have from all of you. Thank you so much!

Praises & Prayer Requests

We praise God for his faithfulness in helping us to get through this week and stay sane (at least as sane as we were). We also praise him for two great deputation services and the addition of a sister-in-law to our family!

As far as prayer requests go:

- A speedy recovery for Tricia and Jake
- Endurance for seminary classes (about 400 pages of reading per week!)
- Good time management skills
- Safe travels for deputation
- Jeremy's upcoming presentation in his MBA class

Thanks for your continued prayers!

Closing Thoughts

We thank God not only for the good times in life, but the trials as well. They draw us closer to him, which is the goal of our lives, isn't it? We just ask that God would continue to teach us and mold us into the people and family he wants us to be.

Until next week,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

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