Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Seminary Classes Begin

Weekend Update

We had a great deputation service in Pittsfield, IL this past Sunday night. Tricia has relatives in Pittsfield, so it was wonderful to get to hang out with them as well as speak in their church. We felt such a blessing of the Lord on that service and met a lot very nice people. It was a great trip and not too long for us either (about 4 hours driving time). Jake loved all of the toys at his Great-Aunt Patty's house (she runs a daycare), but didn't care for the car ride so much. Little does he know, that was a short one compared to next weekend!

Seminary Classes Begin

Jeremy began seminary classes today, Tricia starts tomorrow. The classes are all missions-focused (wonder why?) and are going to be very helpful for us on the field. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to take free classes at seminary this semester, and we hope that our brains can absorb as much as possible over the next three months.

Praises and Prayer Requests

We praise God for the way he has been taking care of us and providing for our needs, great and small. We also thank him for answering prayer regarding our deputation services. Our schedule has really been filling up lately, thank you all for your prayers!

Some of our current prayer needs are:

- Safe travels to deputation services
- Time and organization for all of the "logistical" things (shots, passports, wills, visas, etc.)
- That we remember to protect time for God and family in our busy schedules

As always, we thank you all for your continued prayer support. You are all so important to our ministry.

Until next time,

Jeremy, Tricia & Jake

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