Wednesday, August 17, 2005

First Day of Training

Well, today was our first "official" day as missionaries, we had training from 9:00am to noon (nice warm-up, huh?!). It was definitely a day of firsts for us.

Just as it was our first day of missionary training, it was Jake's first day of "school" as well. Basically, he's just in day care with all of the other MKs (missionary kids), but it was his first day of being left with someone other than family, so it was a pretty big deal for us all. We got him a Thomas the Train lunchbox to take with him and was he ever proud of that thing. At about 8:20am, he was standing at the front door with his new lunchbox in his hand and turned around and asked us when the bus was coming! We have no idea who told him about school buses, but after we got done marveling at our little genius, we had to explain to him that he was walking to school instead of taking the bus.

So, training today was just a short introduction to the schedule, etc. that we will have for the next few months, and it looks like we will be pretty busy. We also met the rest of the missionaries that we will be going through training with, which was fun. Overall, it was an easy day, but we've got a full day tomorrow, and from then on.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

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