Sunday, February 01, 2009

Long overdue

We haven't done a blog lately but it is difficult with the schedule we keep now. Also, one more excuse is that the kids have RSV so it has been a lot of sleepless nights and busy days. Thankfully, we are staying in the missionary house at Olivet Nazarene University and that is just a half mile away from Tricia's parents. They have been at the house first in the morning and staying until the kids go to bed at night. It has been so nice because Jeremy is doing services in California right now and Tricia desperately needed help. Please pray for the kids as it is very difficult to not be at their "home" and to be sick.

The following are just random pics of the trip back and some more recent of the kids.

Three huge carts of luggage and a stroller to push, we needed four people to get us into the airport. We were quite a sight.

Auntie Linda entertaining the babies, we miss you Linda!!!!

Jeremy was smiling but really thinking, "how in the world are we going to manage all this luggage".

Visiting with good friends that came to see us off.

Best of friends!

Hard to say goodbye.

So happy!

Katie, love, love, loves taking a bath.

Ryan enjoys the missionary house because of all the new things to play with, like the airfreshener.

What wonderful kids.
Please pray:
1. Our safety as we travel.
2. God to speak through our services and people will be motivated to act.
3. The kids and there health that is very poor right now.
4. Ryan and his health issues (eating issues, keeping his weight up, his physical delay). Pray that we are able to find a wonderful therapist to help him.
Thanks for reading our blog.
Until next time,
The Johnson Five