What? Snow in Africa? Yep, that's what we thought when we woke up yesterday morning. It had actually snowed in Johannesburg, for the first time since 1981 (Jeremy and Tricia were Jake's age then!). Our picture here doesn't show nearly as much snow as in other places throughout Johannesburg, but it was something! People were taking pictures, playing in the snow, and just overall enthralled by this little dusting of white stuff. It made these two Midwesterners laugh that this was actually considered "snow".
Jake was a bit under the weather with a cold this past week, but seems to be back to about 95% now. It has been a week of wild weather shifts, as you can imagine, and it has all of our sinuses working overtime. We're just glad we've had people bring us Advil! :)
Between our jobs, church, and volunteering at the baby home, our days have been pretty busy! This weekend, we will have three babies, ranging from two years to four weeks old, as the baby home moves to a different house. It should be interesting! By the way, for anyone interested, the baby home's website is http://www.tsholofelo.org. Jeremy is also substitute teaching a Sunday School class for the next couple of weeks, helping our pastor plan some outreach events, and preparing to preach a couple of times in July. So... we aren't bored! :)
Jake's Quote of the Week
“Can we watch my new ‘Flushed Down the Toilet’ movie tonight?”
[We recently picked up a used copy of "Flushed Away" (a little cartoon movie about an uptown mouse and his visit to the sewer), and Jake got the concept right, just not the words.]
Praises & Prayer Requests
We praise God for the snow! It was a nice little reminder of home. The last time we saw snow was in January 2006, so it did bring a little smile to our faces. God knows how to make us smile!
Please remember the following needs in prayer this week:
-- Jeremy and Tricia this weekend, as they go from one kid to four (temporarily)!
-- Our health
-- The baby home's move this weekend
-- Unspoken request
Until next time,
Jeremy, Tricia & Jake