Tuesday, May 11, 2010
New blog
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Long overdue
Best of friends!
Hard to say goodbye.
So happy!
Katie, love, love, loves taking a bath.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
We are back in the States after a fairly uneventful trip. The kids were champs (thanks for your prayers!). Tricia, as she was trying to make sure she had all the kids with her, left her purse on the airplane in Zurich. They wouldn't let us get back on because of security reasons, so we had to leave Switzerland without it. Now they say that they found it and it made it to Chicago, but because of the holidays no one is answering the phone there! Hopefully we can get it after Christmas, but at least we know that it wasn't stolen!
It has been very hard coming back to the States, knowing that this time we are not returning to Africa after the holidays. Jeremy will be going again in January to help with the training of new missionaries, but the rest of the family will stay put. Please keep us in your prayers as we are getting readjusted to our home culture, which is of course very different from the one we lived in for the last three years. Jake is missing his friends from the complex, especially his best friend Manny, and also missing his friends and teachers from his school, Happy Hearts. It will be hard during this transition but we keep telling him it will be better once we get settled down.
The nice thing is that we are all distracted from our "home sickness" by all our friends and family we haven't been able to see for so long. It has been nice spending time with everyone! We are thankful for our family and friends that have been very supportive and thoughtful during our time of transition. Please keep praying for us!
Of course, all of these little "life" concerns pale in comparison to the significance of the event we celebrate tomorrow. Our hope is that among all of the presents, food, family and fun that we remember that into the messy stables of our lives (he didn't require the Four Seasons!) came a Savior... what a cause for celebration!
Once again, thanks for all of your prayers and support during our three-year term as missionaries. We will have a couple more updates, and then will transition to a new blog about our life in the US (we will make sure to post the link here). In the meantime, have a very merry Christmas, and please pray for Jeremy to find the job that God has waiting on him and a smooth transition for our family.
Gloria in excelsis deo!
The Johnson Five
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
So much going on!
He won a trophy. ("what he always dreamed of") It was for the best swimmer in each class. His teacher was great and Jake really liked him. Thanks, Uncle John!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Thanks for the Prayers!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Prayer Request
We have lots of pictures to post, just no time to post them. We hope to get some up before this weekend.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
8 Months!
The following are pictures of the babies on their 8 month birthday (the 15th)
4. For Jeremy as he will need to find a job at the beginning of the year. We keep hearing of the massive lay offs, but pray that God will have the perfect job for him.
Rhino and Lion Park
Jake all ready to explore the "Wonder Cave". He brought his head light and his glow in the dark necklace (which had stopped glowing about a month ago). The cave was 60 meters underground and Jake thought is was awesome.